Basking and bathing

Natalie Nikitovic is photographer with a talent for capturing the unexpectedly intimate. Originally from Melbourne and now based in Sydney, Natalie’s recent work is most concerned with people and places. Testament to the sands and shores of her current home and beyond, here she shares a series that was taken over one long and sweaty summer, so hot that the batteries in the shell of her camera had melted.echo adrotate_group(2);
“I always feel the most uncomfortable in summer. The heat becomes so claustrophobic that I find it hard to feel myself. Watching other people trying to find comfort was my initial subject. Whether seeking refuge from the unescapable heat, or basking in the glory of the beating rays – to all, water was the equaliser, quenching thirst and giving much needed relief and escapism.
These images are probably more emotional for me then my other works. Each portrait is either a family member or close friend. The past summer was a rare occasion I was lucky enough to spend time with people I don’t see often.”
Natalie launched her latest project, ‘Still/Lives’, as part of the Paper Trail Zine Fair in Sydney last month. It considers man-made compositions in juxtaposition with natural configurations of objects that surround us day to day. Her work is soon to be featured as part of a Bloom Publishing title, ‘Oasis’, and she plans to travel to Indonesia and Japan to create new work. To see more of Natalie’s photography visit: